...God has this funny little way of using my OWN writing to tell me something when I won't listen, sometimes. And of using it to shed light on other situations. And it's not really funny at all. Actually, 'tis rather mindboggling.
I've been reading my scribbles blog for a while, this evening, hoping to osmosis inspiration for my college application essay. I'm applying to the University of Chicago and their essays are famously interesting. On some rare occasions, I, myself, am found to be famously interesting. Not recently. Recently, I have had nothing interesting to say. No profound remarks regarding anything. All profound remarks have been channeled into thought for my mythical screenplay, the one I have been talking about writing since the ninth grade. As I have finally started it, I have no inspiration for anything else, it seems. Ironically enough, I hardly have any inspiration for it, either.
Point being this: I've read things I wrote six months, a year, two years, and found them to speak to me exactly where I am now. Regarding things that are going on right now. Things that are specifically mine and things that I am helping friends deal with. As though they were spoken by a great sage especially to shed light on the situations, they profess great wisdom. Where did that wisdom come from? I tend to be a great dunce most of the time. I suppose God can use Me Two Years Ago to speak to Me Now. It's rather spectacular, though, that I knew exactly what to say that would be exactly what I need to hear, and didn't know it. Divine serendipity.
I'm going to post a few of these divinely appropriated bits of writing that I have restumbled across. All's well. See below.
Divine serendipity...it's nice :) How are you Amelia?