Sunday, December 26, 2010

Flaws and all.

August 28, 2009

No one is ever as fearless as they think they are. Oh sure, you may think the whole world is looking down on you and saying, "My, my, but she IS a mess." The truth of it is this: They are too concerned that everyone is looking at them to worry about you. You know that girl who always seems to let the guys treat her any which way, and doesn't make friends with the other girls? Or the boy who gets into too much trouble, who won't open up to anyone? They're only afraid of rejection, just like you. Just like me.

Oh yes, me too. Afraid not only of rejection, but of being left by someone who accepted me. Me with all my flaws and quirks. A sensitive sort might say, "Oh, but we all have flaws." Sure. But no one ever worries about their other seeing flaws in their best friend. No, we're all concerned with ourselves. Our mediocre selves that never seem good enough. And when we are, when someone loves of, not even in spite, but BECAUSE of our flaws? We try to change and get rid of the very reasons they loved us in the first place! What is our obsession with being perfect? EMBRACE your flaws and quirks! They make you unique. No one has the same set as you do. And someone loves them.

When you quit fearing rejection, it's amazing the possibilities that open up. So what if someone rejects you? If they didn't want you, they weren't worth your time anyway. There is someone who wants to be around you--go find them and be busy being around them. And they'll love you. Flaws and all.

We're all afraid of something...and I think it's ourselves.

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